StudyMEDIC- the pioneer in medical education, established in the year 2016,with a mission to revolutionise medical education by integrating quality mentoring with advanced technologies, envisioning better clinicians all over the globe.
StudyEFOG, a sister concern of StudyMEDIC, offers candidates a distinct course structure with the help of a customised learning management system and group study interface that allows them to access all study resources and support for their queries in one place.
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Listen to our Champions!
Dear Colleagues,
This is Dr Yogesh. I am writing to share my experience with StudyMEDIC EBCOG-1. The mentors are knowledgeable & excellent
in their approach towards coaching for this exam. The online platform is intuitive, easy to use, and fabulous. They are the official coaching centre for EBCOG exam. They are always there to assist, help & solve any query that the candidate has, including solving online glitches promptly. The overall experience of the One Month Crash Course and the Two-Day College Course was impressive. I wholeheartedly recommend Study-Medic for this competitive exam. Thank you, Study-Medic
I have cleared my EBCOG PART 1 September 2024. I had enrolled in 1 month StudyEFOG course from study medic.About the course,
First, the mentors-each one is a gem. They push you to stay on track and guide you in the right approach to preparing for the exam.Second, the study materials are curated to perfection. You will find yourself revising the core EBCOG books as you solve the question banks. Third, the revision resources are incredibly valuable. The presentations from the classes, available in PDF format are one of the best resources The guidance, resources, and support provided by Study EBCOG will definitely make your entire journey towards part 1 EBCOG much easier
First and foremost,I want to express my deepest gratitude to the Almighty for this success. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the entire StudyMEDIC team, particularly Dr. Sowmya, Dr. Chitra,and Dr. Preethi, for your unwavering support, expert guidance, and encouragement throughout this journey. The IT team is really great, supporting in all aspects of technical issues even at odd times, the study materials are curated very precisely for easy revision, Thank you StudyMEDIC.
I am grateful to Dr. Sowmya and her team at StudyMEDIC for providing me with an excellent platform that enabled me to successfully clear my part 1 EBCOG exam. It would not have been possible without their assistance. Thank you.
I have recently cleared my EFOG EBCOG exams held in November 2023. I would like to thank Dr. Sowmya, @Dr. Tazeen, @Dr. Priyadarshini, @Dr. Priti, @Dr. Chitra for there excellent mentorship without which it would not have been possible. Also my sincere thanks to @Dr. Dhavashree and all the examiners for offline mock exams held in Dubai. Mock exams was very useful as it was exact similar to the real exams. My heartfelt gratitude to the entire StudyMEDIC team
for helping me clear the exams.
I am so glad to say that StudyMEDIC helped me greatly in passing EFOG exams. They guide me how to deal with each task. I would like to thank all the team.
Thank you so much StudyMEDIC. I would thank all the mentors for their efforts & making me achieve my goal Thank you Dr. Sowmya ma’am, Dr. Priti ma’am, Dr. Tazeen ma’am, Dr. Priyadarshini ma’am. Thanks to the entire team of StudyMEDIC.
I would like to thank StudyMEDIC and all the mentors for taking pain to teach aptly what’s needed for exam.. The library is a treasure. Thank you StudyMEDIC.
Thank you StudyMEDIC team you people helped me achieve my goal. Thank you all mentors as every one’s effort took me through my exam to achieve success and see this day StudyMEDIC team is quite amazing they created a platform to guide people, as all the difficult exam based scenarios and examination practice made this journey easy for us all. Thank you @Dr. Sowmya,@Dr. Tazeen, @Dr. Chitra, @Dr. Priyadarshini, @Dr. Priti, and @Dr. Dhavashree All your feedbacks on daily
discussions were very helpful. Thank you again.
Hi I’m Dr. Desiree I’m from the Philippines and working in Saudi Arabia. I am now a European Fellow in OB Gyne. I cleared my part 1 exam last May and my OSCE exam this November and all of this will not be possible without the
help of StudyMEDIC. The library was amazing the simulation stations were amazing and on top of all that the mentors were pushing you to do your best to achieve your dream goal. I lost my father during midway in my review and
somehow I lost the strength to go on but Dr. Sowmya did not give up on me and she pushed me through it and this really meant a lot when someone is there to remind you to never give up. I passed my OSCE in one go and I am forever
grateful to StudyMEDIC.
Thank you StudyMEDIC for passing OSCE for EBCOG, its not possible without your help and guidence. Thank you @Dr. Sowmya, Dr. Tazeen, Dr. Priti, Dr. Chitra, and Dr. Dhavasree.
I have solely dependent on the StudyMEDIC library which was really helpful. I attended the two day crash course which was very useful for me. It provided me with a good revision of subjects and i repeatedly went through the slides of each session which helped me a lot. Dr Sowmya’s sessions really helped to know the formation of the questions and how specifically we have to answer those questions. Thank you StudyMEDIC.
Thank you Dr Sowmya and all the mentors and study medic team to give an ideal platform thru which i can acheive the success of EFOG Part 1 easily. The course material the tips, and the videos, intensive hours and wisdom shots all were very helpful for me. Thank You.
Hello Sowmya mam and all the mentors. I have been associated with StudyMEDIC for mrcog part 2 and 3. I was a passive participant but I went through all the class presentations and the course library. This exam was completely concept based and sowmya mam’s and all the mentors guidance was so apt! I technically could study only for the last 3 weeks. If it weren’t for the course classes and wisdom shots, I couldn’t have made it. Always grateful for the excellent team and mentors. Thanks to almighty and the entire team! I’ll forever be under your debt.
I think it is a wonderful exam which is an academic treat for those passionate about persuing academics…
As a course you people are wonderful giving the right orientation with regards to the exam. I am sure very soon there will be more people taking the exams.. The standard of questions were very much on par with the MRCOG exams.. Hope it becomes better than that in the due course. Thanks to StudyMEDIC team for all the support and guidance.
It has been a rather wonderful journey being part of the *StudyMEDIC* mentoring program for EBCOG exam. I truly appreciate the level of support and guidance that made it possible for me to pass the EBCOG exam from the first attempt. I wish you all the best.
Thank you so much Dr Sowmya, could clear the exams only with the support of Study- MEDIC. Due to the busy schedule i would get time only in the evening and would go through all the papers that are shared through the Google drive at least once and also the wisdom shorts really helped me. I haven’t read anything beyond the resources provided by the StudyMEDIC and still man- aged to clear the exams in the first attempt. Thank you StudyMEDIC.
I completely prepared for the exam with the sessions from StudyMEDIC. The revision classes were very good as it provide information of the minute details that to be taken care of. Thank you so much team StudyMEDIC.
There was a great support from Dr Sowmya and team StudyMEDIC throughout which is commendable. I have only watched the sessions and answered all questions in the group, which was more than enough. Of course the course library and wisdom shots was equally good.
I’m very grateful to the entire team of studymedic who have been a very important part in my journey to achieve success in the May 2023 EFOG-EBCOG examination. Without the mentors, my preparation would have been very difficult. The wonderful module-wise sessions, daily practice questions and the wisdom shots have been really very useful in revising and brushing up through the vast syllabus in a very short time. Thank you Dr Sowmya ma’am for having faith in us and inspiring us to work hard in achieving our goal. Thank you ma’am! Thank you all!
I booked on the 5th of August and started studying on the 8th. Literally, I was clueless about the preparation strategy. Thank you, Dr. Sowmya and all other mentors, for helping me. I can’t express my gratitude for all of you.
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