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Inspired by the big success of our “An Hour with An Experts” webinar series, StudyMEDIC is back with another captivating webinar series. The webinar series is designed exclusively for EFOG-EBCOG 1 exam aspirants.
Prof. Diogo Ayres De Campos and Prof. Ioannis Messinis, two eminent experts from the European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology – EBCOG will lead the webinars scheduled on the 24th and 31st of this month.
The primary aim of this unique webinar series is to deliver unparalleled guidance, empowering you with the confidence and expertise needed to excel in your EFOG-EBCOG Part 1 exam preparation. The webinar series will also provide a rare opportunity for students to clear their doubts and concerns directly with the support of EBCOG experts.
In the first session, EBCOG Council member and Coordinator of EFOG-EBCOG Part 2 OSCE exams, Prof. Diogo Ayres De Campos will present the session on “Do We Need to Worry About Our Cesarean Delivery Rates?”
The second session was on “Obesity and Fertility”. The session will be presented by Prof. Ioannis Messinis, Executive Committee member and Advisory of EBCOG.
By : admin