
EFOG-EBCOG Exam: A Quick Introduction to The Prestigious European Fellowship for OB GYNs

03 Aug 2023
Home EFOG-EBCOG Exam: A Quick Introduction to The Prestigious European Fellowship for OB GYNs

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EFOG-EBCOG exam refers to the “European Fellowship of Obstetrics and Gynaecology” which is provided by the European Board and College of Obstetrics & Gynecology (EBCOG).

The medical community regards this highly rated fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology as a badge of excellence in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. EBCOG is the official authority of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists in Europe and they set the working standards for clinicians to work as obstetricians and gynecologists in European countries.

Significance of the Fellowship

The EFOG will prove to be a prestigious qualification and will go a long way in enhancing the appeal to the CV. Clearing this exam will be a feather in your cap, and you can use it in any country.

It can be an added advantage if you choose to work in a European country, provided you comply with all the necessary requirements. This is the highest honour conferred by EBCOG. The awardees are recognized in a special session at the annual congress on stage by the President of EBCOG.

The exam might not measure up to the national assessment system, but it offers another option. Some countries may count the European assessment as complimentary or equivalent to their national system in the future.

Introduction to EFOG-EBCOG Exam

The examination checks whether the candidate possesses the minimum level of knowledge as prescribed by the EBCOG examination committee.

The EBCOG examination also assesses the candidate’s knowledge gained during training generally obstetrics and gynaecology. Based on EBCOG training syllabus, the assessment takes into account the application of this knowledge in clinical cases.

The EFOG exam usually consists of both written and oral components. This covers various aspects of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, including clinical knowledge, surgical skills, and patient management. The EBCOG holds it at designated examination centers and follows strict guidelines set forth by them.

Exam Structure

EFOG-EBCOG Exam Consists of Two parts as follows.

1. EFOG-EBCOG Part 1 is a Knowledge Based Assessment (KBA) which is a written examination.

2. EFOG-EBCOG Part 2 is a Clinical Skills Assessment (OSCE) test.

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